The problem is real The Locator 911 is the answer

In the United States, over 240 million calls are made annually to 911 for help. That means that over 240 million responses are made by Fire, EMS, Police, or a combination of all three. Unfortunately, many of these responses are met with the same problem.
The address of the residence or location is not adequately marked for responders to find it quickly during an emergency. When you add the factors of inclement weather, rural locations, congested subdivisions, mobile home parks, apartment complexes, and of course, the darkness of night, it can make it very difficult for responders to find you.
How it All Began
The Locator 911 is a double patented device that was developed by a paramedic with over 25 years of experience working in the field responding to 911 calls for help. In his career, he saw countless instances where the arrival time at the caller's side was significantly increased because of various factors. One call in particular changed everything.
At approximately 1:30 in the morning, a call for help came in to the 911 center. A mother was screaming her child was not breathing. The ambulance was dispatched and the address was keyed into the navigation device located on the dash. Once on the caller's road, the crew began counting the neighboring addresses and knew they were getting close as confirmed by the navigation device.

How it Works
The Locator 911 is a smart LED light bulb that you use to replace your existing front porch light bulb or light that is most visible from the road. Download the free Locator app and connect the bulb via WiFi on your smartphone. The bulb is used as a regular light until 911 services are needed.
When 911 is called, the app takes over the bulb and converts it to a strobing beacon that changes color from red to blue to white and identifies the exact location that 911 was called from. No guessing or radio confirmation from responders is needed. The Locator 911 gives a positive visual confirmation of right where responders need to be.
Our Mission
To ensure public health and safety by decreasing responder response times during emergencies.

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